Package org.favabeans.base

Interface Summary
Actions This Facet exposes the end-user commands which can be performed on the primary object.
Column A Column of an object describes a column of information about it.
DnDTargetContainer The DnDTargetContainer Facet of an object provides behaviors for accepting a Drag and Drop (DnD) operation.
Facet A Facet is an object which provides an alternative representation of another object.
Faceted A Faceted object is capable of managing its own Facets.
FacetFactory A FacetFactory is responsible for creating Facet objects for a given Type of primary objects.
FacetRegistry A FacetRegistry creates Facet objects and maintains their association with their primary objects.
Feature A Feature is some component of an object (referred to as the target, see Feature.getTarget()).
Folder This Folder Facet of an object allows it to be treated as a collection.
Properties This Facet exposes the properties which the primary object has.
Property A Property is a proxy to a piece of information about a specific object.
Prototype The Prototype Facet of an object provides behaviors for "cloning" the object, under end-user control, to create a new, similar object.
TypeAttribute A TypeAttribute may be optionally supplied as a parameter to the TypeMetadataRegistry#put(Type,Object) method.
TypeMetadataRegistry A TypeMetadataRegistry is an object that maps Types to associated metadata using a String key.
View A View is a visible UI component and displays a Model in some manner.

Class Summary
ArrayFolder An ArrayFolder is a Folder Facet for Java arrays.
BeanProperty A BeanProperty is a Property implementation corresponding directly to a Java Bean property of an object.
CollectionFolder A CollectionFolder is a Folder Facet suitable for use with Collection primary objects.
DataSourceType A DataSourceType object is a representative for a javax.activation.DataSource object, for which the MIME type of the data is known.
DnDAction This class is a type-safe enumeration developed to clear up some ambiguities that prevail in the java.awt.DnDConstants definitions.
FacetView A FacetView is a wrapper around a View built to handle the common (and, in fact, foundationally important) situation where we have -- Some View v capable of displaying objects of Type t0; Some object x of Type tk-1 (say); A way of building, via Facets, a Type t0 object given a tk-1 object; The perfectly reasonable desire to use View v to display the t0 Facet of x; and -- To simplify interactions with the framework, the need to do all this while still preserving the abstraction that our resulting View is a direct view on x.
FavaBeans Class FavaBeans provides access to global state of the current FavaBeans application.
HasFacetType A HasFacetType matches objects that have a Facet of the specified type.
JavaType A JavaType object is a representative for a Java class or interface in the Type hierarchy.
ListFolder a ListFolder is a Folder Facet suitable for use with List primary objects.
MetadataProperty A MetadataProperty is a read-only Property implementation which obtains its value from the FavaBeans type metadata registry, FavaBeans.TYPE_METADATA.
MethodAction A MethodAction, when performed, invokes a single public method of a specific object.
ObjectPropertyEditor This is a very simple PropertyEditor implementation used as a fall-back when a more appropriate one cannot be found.
SimpleFacetFactory A convenience implementation of FacetFactory for Facet classes that have a constructor -- facetClass(Object primaryObject)
SimpleProperties A SimpleProperties is an implementation of Properties that provides the standard properties and nothing more.
Type A Type object is an analogue of a Java class.

Exception Summary
DropException This exception is raised whenever a drop of an object onto a component that supports DnD fails.
FactoryException This exception is thrown whenever a factory object is unable to create a new object as requested.

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