Class DefaultFacet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Facet, Faceted
Direct Known Subclasses:
BeanProperties, DefaultChange, DefaultDataTransfer, DefaultDnDTargetContainer, DefaultPrototype, Defaults.ActionsOfJComponent, Defaults.DirectoryDnDTarget, DefaultViewPrototypes, MethodActions, SimpleProperties

public class DefaultFacet
extends Object
implements Facet, Faceted

Constructor Summary
protected DefaultFacet(Object primaryObject)
Method Summary
protected  void finalize()
 Facet getFacet(Type type)
          Obtain a Facet of the requested Type for this object.
 Object getPrimaryObject()
          Obtain the primary object of this Facet.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected DefaultFacet(Object primaryObject)
Method Detail


public Object getPrimaryObject()
Description copied from interface: Facet
Obtain the primary object of this Facet. The primary object is that object of which this Facet is an alternative representation. The primary object may or may not know that it is being represented by this Facet.
Specified by:
getPrimaryObject in interface Facet
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.Facet
the primary object.


protected void finalize()
finalize in class Object


public Facet getFacet(Type type)
Description copied from interface: Faceted
Obtain a Facet of the requested Type for this object.
Specified by:
getFacet in interface Faceted
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.Faceted
type - the Type of Facet requested for this object.
a Facet, or null if none can be created as requested.

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