Class DefaultDnDTargetContainer

All Implemented Interfaces:
DnDTargetContainer, Facet, Faceted

public class DefaultDnDTargetContainer
extends DefaultFacet
implements DnDTargetContainer

Constructor Summary
DefaultDnDTargetContainer(Object primaryObject)
Method Summary
 void copy(Object operand)
          Make a copy of the specified object and place it in this container.
 DataFlavor[] getSupportedDropFlavors(DnDAction action)
          Determine what data flavors are acceptable to this container for the specified action.
 void link(Object operand)
          Create a link to the specified object in this container.
 void move(Object operand)
          Move the specified object into this container.
Methods inherited from class org.favabeans.base.DefaultFacet
finalize, getFacet, getPrimaryObject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.favabeans.base.Facet

Constructor Detail


public DefaultDnDTargetContainer(Object primaryObject)
Method Detail


public DataFlavor[] getSupportedDropFlavors(DnDAction action)
Description copied from interface: DnDTargetContainer
Determine what data flavors are acceptable to this container for the specified action. An object may return empty arrays from this operation to indicate that it does not wish to participate as a target container in DnD operations.
Specified by:
getSupportedDropFlavors in interface DnDTargetContainer
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.DnDTargetContainer
action - the desired drag and drop action.
the acceptable data flavors for the supplied action.


public void move(Object operand)
          throws DropException
Description copied from interface: DnDTargetContainer
Move the specified object into this container.
Specified by:
move in interface DnDTargetContainer
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.DnDTargetContainer
operand - the object to move.
DropException - if there was a problem completing the operation.


public void copy(Object operand)
          throws DropException
Description copied from interface: DnDTargetContainer
Make a copy of the specified object and place it in this container.
Specified by:
copy in interface DnDTargetContainer
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.DnDTargetContainer
operand - the object to copy.
DropException - if there was a problem completing the operation.


public void link(Object operand)
          throws DropException
Description copied from interface: DnDTargetContainer
Create a link to the specified object in this container.
Specified by:
link in interface DnDTargetContainer
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.DnDTargetContainer
operand - the object to link.
DropException - if there was a problem completing the operation.

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