Class DefaultTypeMetadataRegistry

All Implemented Interfaces:
InheritanceProperties, TypeMetadataRegistry

public class DefaultTypeMetadataRegistry
extends DagInheritanceProperties
implements TypeMetadataRegistry

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addTypeInfoListener(TypeInfoListener l)
 boolean containsKey(Object context, Object key)
          Determine if this InheritanceProperties maps a given key to a value in a given context, or one of its super-contexts.
 boolean containsKey(Object context, Object key, boolean inherit)
          Determine if this InheritanceProperties maps a given key to a value in a given context.
protected  void fireTypeInfoChanged(Type type)
 Object get(Object context, Object key)
          Return the associated value for the given key in the specified context or one of its super-contexts.
 Object get(Object context, Object key, boolean inherit)
          Return the associated value for the given key in the specified context.
 Object getForObject(Object o, String key)
          Obtain the value mapped via a given key to the best matching Type (or one of its super-Types) for a given object.
 Set getKeys(Object context)
          Get the keys associated with a given context, or one of its super-contexts.
 Set getKeys(Object context, boolean inherit)
          Get the keys associated with a given context.
 Set getKeysForObject(Object o)
          Obtain all the keys for which values are mapped to all the Types (or their super-Types) which match a given object.
 Set getKeysForObject(Object o, String prefix)
          Obtain all the keys, starting with a given prefix string, for which values are mapped to all the Types (or their super-Types) which match a given object.
 Object put(Object context, Object key, Object value)
          Create a direct association from a key to a value.
 Object remove(Object context, Object key)
          Remove the direct association between a key and a value in a given context.
 void removeTypeInfoListener(TypeInfoListener l)
Methods inherited from class org.favabeans.util.DagInheritanceProperties
clear, comparator, contextPoset
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
clear, comparator, contextPoset

Constructor Detail


public DefaultTypeMetadataRegistry()
Method Detail


public boolean containsKey(Object context,
                           Object key)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Determine if this InheritanceProperties maps a given key to a value in a given context, or one of its super-contexts.
Specified by:
containsKey in interface InheritanceProperties
containsKey in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context in which to resolve the key.
key - a key which may be in this InheritanceProperties.
true if the supplied key is mapped to a value in the given context or one of its super-contexts.


public boolean containsKey(Object context,
                           Object key,
                           boolean inherit)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Determine if this InheritanceProperties maps a given key to a value in a given context.
Specified by:
containsKey in interface InheritanceProperties
containsKey in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context in which to resolve the key.
key - a key which may be in this InheritanceProperties.
inherit - set to true if super-contexts are to be included in the search; false if only the specified context is to be searched.
true if the supplied key is mapped to a value in the specified context or, if applicable, one of its super-contexts.


public Object get(Object context,
                  Object key)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Return the associated value for the given key in the specified context or one of its super-contexts.
Specified by:
get in interface InheritanceProperties
get in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context in which to resolve the key.
key - the key for which a value is required.
the associated value, or null if none could be found.


public Object get(Object context,
                  Object key,
                  boolean inherit)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Return the associated value for the given key in the specified context.
Specified by:
get in interface InheritanceProperties
get in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context in which to resolve the key.
key - the key for which a value is required.
inherit - set to true if super-contexts are to be included in the search; false if only the specified context is to be searched.
the value associated with the supplied key or, if applicable, one of its super-keys, or null if none could be found.


public Object put(Object context,
                  Object key,
                  Object value)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Create a direct association from a key to a value.
Specified by:
put in interface InheritanceProperties
put in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context in which to associate the value with the key.
key - the key with which to associate the value.
value - the value to associate with the supplied key.
the value previously associated with the supplied key in the supplied context, or null if none existed.


public Object remove(Object context,
                     Object key)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Remove the direct association between a key and a value in a given context.
Specified by:
remove in interface InheritanceProperties
remove in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context in which to remove the association.
key - the key for which to remove the associated value.
the previously associated value for the supplied key in the supplied context, or null if no association previously associated.


public Set getKeys(Object context)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Get the keys associated with a given context, or one of its super-contexts.
Specified by:
getKeys in interface InheritanceProperties
getKeys in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context for which to obtain the keys.
the keys associated with this context, or an empty set if the context is not a member of this InheritanceProperties and has no super-contexts in this InheritanceProperties.


public Set getKeys(Object context,
                   boolean inherit)
Description copied from interface: InheritanceProperties
Get the keys associated with a given context.
Specified by:
getKeys in interface InheritanceProperties
getKeys in class DagInheritanceProperties
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.util.InheritanceProperties
context - the context for which to obtain the keys.
inherit - whether to obtain keys for the super-contexts of this context.
the keys associated with this context and, if applicable, its super-contexts, or an empty set if the context is not a member of this InheritanceProperties and, if applicable, has no super-contexts in this InheritanceProperties.


public Object getForObject(Object o,
                           String key)
Description copied from interface: TypeMetadataRegistry
Obtain the value mapped via a given key to the best matching Type (or one of its super-Types) for a given object. If the mapped value is a TypeAttribute, its TypeAttribute.evaluate(TypeMetadataRegistry,Type,String,Object) method is called, and the result returned.
Specified by:
getForObject in interface TypeMetadataRegistry
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.TypeMetadataRegistry
o - the object for which to obtain the value.
key - the key for which to obtain the value.
the relevant value, or null if none was found or TypeAttribute.evaluate(TypeMetadataRegistry,Type,String,Object) returned null.


public Set getKeysForObject(Object o)
Description copied from interface: TypeMetadataRegistry
Obtain all the keys for which values are mapped to all the Types (or their super-Types) which match a given object.
Specified by:
getKeysForObject in interface TypeMetadataRegistry
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.TypeMetadataRegistry
o - the object for which to obtain the keys.
a Set containing the keys, or an empty Set if none were found.


public Set getKeysForObject(Object o,
                            String prefix)
Description copied from interface: TypeMetadataRegistry
Obtain all the keys, starting with a given prefix string, for which values are mapped to all the Types (or their super-Types) which match a given object.
Specified by:
getKeysForObject in interface TypeMetadataRegistry
Following copied from interface: org.favabeans.base.TypeMetadataRegistry
o - the object for which to obtain the keys.
prefix - a string with which all returned keys must start.
a Set containing the keys, or an empty Set if none were found.
See Also:


public void addTypeInfoListener(TypeInfoListener l)
Specified by:
addTypeInfoListener in interface TypeMetadataRegistry


public void removeTypeInfoListener(TypeInfoListener l)
Specified by:
removeTypeInfoListener in interface TypeMetadataRegistry


protected void fireTypeInfoChanged(Type type)

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