Interface TypeAttribute

public interface TypeAttribute

A TypeAttribute may be optionally supplied as a parameter to the TypeMetadataRegistry#put(Type,Object) method. The evaluate(TypeMetadataRegistry,Type,String,Object) method will then be called whenever the TypeMetadataRegistry wishes to obtain the value of the attribute.

Method Summary
 Object evaluate(TypeMetadataRegistry typeMetadataRegistry, Type type, String key, Object instance)
          The method that is to be called by the TypeMetadataRegistry in response to the TypeMetadataRegistry#get(Type,Object) method.

Method Detail


public Object evaluate(TypeMetadataRegistry typeMetadataRegistry,
                       Type type,
                       String key,
                       Object instance)
The method that is to be called by the TypeMetadataRegistry in response to the TypeMetadataRegistry#get(Type,Object) method.
typeMetadataRegistry - the TypeMetadataRegistry that invoked this method.
type - the Type object on behalf of which this method is being invoked.
key - the key whereby this TypeAttribute is bound to the object on behalf of which this method is being invoked.
instance - the object on behalf of which this method is being invoked.

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