A Type object is an analogue
of a Java class; it allows us to categorize objects, but provides for
more fine-grained control over this categorization than would be
possible were we to categorize objects based on their Java class
alone. See Figure 3.1 for more details; the
additional classes shown in this class diagram are discussed
Class Type implements
PoComparable, allowing us
to use it in partially ordered data structures.
We have made the simplifying design decision that the
Type of an object does not change
at run-time. Without this simplification, the state machine for the
objects in our framework would be complicated by having to handle
"type changed" events.
Notably absent from the contract of class
Type is any notion of uniqueness
of the of the
Type of a given
object. On the other hand, any subsystem responsible for returning the
Type of an object can and should
return at least the appropriate
JavaType (see below); effectively,
this is a guarantee that there exists a minimum of one
Type for any
A developer could, if they so wished, define subclasses of
Type which recognize information
that is not necessarily representable by an
Object; the most obvious example would be a
Type associated with a Java
primitive data type such as integer. We neither
recommend nor discourage this approach, but we note that such a
Type may not be very useful, as it
would be unable to recognize instances of itself via the