Package org.favabeans.util

Interface Summary
InheritanceMap An InheritanceMap is a Map which imposes a partial ordering (see Poset) on its keys.
InheritanceProperties An InheritanceProperties is an object that maps keys to values in an inheritable context.
PoComparable A PoComparable is an object which can be partially ordered.
PoComparator A PoCompator is an object which implements a partial ordering.
Poset A Poset is a partially ordered set.

Class Summary
DagInheritanceMap A DagInheritanceMap is an implementation of interface InheritanceMap backed by a DagPoset and a HashMap.
DagInheritanceProperties A DagInheritanceProperties is an implementation of InheritanceProperties that represents the relationship between the contexts as a dag, and is therefore backed by a DagPoset.
DagPoset A DagPoset is an implementation of a Poset based on a directed acyclic graph data structure.

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