
Class org.favabeans.base.TypeType objects are the analogue of Java classes and behave similarly to Class java.lang.ClassClass objects. FavaBeans provides class Interface org.favabeans.base.TypeMetadataRegistryTypeMetadataRegistry for binding arbitrary information to instances of a Class org.favabeans.base.TypeType.

Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetFacets are an alternative representation of another object, which we refer to as the primary object of the Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetFacet. FavaBeans provides class Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetRegistryFacetRegistry whereby Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetFacets can be constructed for a primary object based on the Class org.favabeans.base.TypeTypes of the primary object and the desired Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetFacet. The work of actually constructing a Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetFacet is delegated to a Interface org.favabeans.base.FacetFactoryFacetFactory.